Helpful Books for Insurance Advisor

 As an Insurance Advisors there are main problems are in the market is Prospecting and convincing the costumer. It’s a frustrating business as well as highly paid profession .Every day we have to keep ourselves Motivated and updated in the market.

We have to follow few books for

  • Updation of present market with new rules and regulations
  •  Present finance market scenario
  • Motivation
  • Sales Training 
If you are going to be LIC advisor or you are already LIC agent ,you have to sharpen your knowledge every time.

Training is very important to be successful in insurance market. One can trained and motivated himself through books also.

Its a complete induction training book for new as well as old LIC advisor.

This book is written by very senior and  a Great  Development Officer Sri Kamleshguru

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:

A Managerial book ,that will help to be professional through self improvement. This book will help to be self discipline .


How to Win Friends and Influence People
by Dale Carnegie (Author)

Its a Motivational books to mainten customer relation and retention.


Zig Ziglal and Brian Tracy is the world famous Sales Trainer and motivator.

If you have just joined in insurance sales but do not have much time ,just take a look ,this book is very helpful .Its better to read books and get motivated all the time rather to waste time with other sales guy ,one who is struggling to make sales. I have listed few of them ,it should at your table and read few pages every day. 

The Digital Life Insurance Agent: How To Market Life Insurance Online And Sell Over The Phone:

The Digital Life Insurance Agent is the essential guide for life insurance agents of all skill levels to transition into the digital age. This book outlines the steps new agents need to take in order to get their business up and running, and will also help experienced agents who want to transition their business online.
The Digital Life Insurance Agent provides a roadmap to building a predictable lead flow using online prospecting techniques, training on how to sell over the phone and basic training to get newer agents set up.
If agents have the desire to change and the discipline to make it happen, the end result of executing the strategies outlined in this book will leave agents with a marketing machine that generates leads at all hours of the day, regardless of if the agent is sitting at the office, or on a beach!

LIC MDRT 2019-20

What is MDRT

MDRT full form is Million Dollar Round Table. A Normal Insurance Agent  gets international recognition and huge wealth by qualifying for MDRT. Its a recognition given by Insurance Industry to their performer Insurance Adviser/Agent. MDRT LIC is the highest number of such performer Insurance advisor. 
MDRT Membership is recognized internationally as the standard of sales excellence in the life insurance industry. MDRT membership of the world provides a unique mix of resources and networking to inspire growth in your business.
If you are LIC agent or you are planning to become LIC Agent then it would be your first dream to be MDRT agent. Basically you will be selected for a international seminar,where all excellent insurance advisor from different insurance company will participate and share their innovative ideas .

New Eligibility Criteria for MDRT 2020-21

Eligibility Criteria  for MDRT 2020

To qualify for the membership of MDRT agents as LIC Advisor have to earn the prescribed First Year Commission excluding the Bonus Commission.
1 Membership Criteria

First Year Commission


First Year Premium
2 MDRT Basic 9,98,900 39,95,600
3 COURT OF THE TABLE (COT) 3 TIMES MDRT 28,03,200 1,19,86,800



6 TIMES MDRT 56,06,400 2,39,73,600

NOTE:Above Eligibility Criteria  for MDRT 2021 is for 2020 Calendar Year Production.

Few Benefits  Of MDRT

  1. Reimbursement of MDRT participation fee who will the attend the meeting.
  2. Interest free advance of a maximum of Rs 80000 to all MDRT agents for attending the MDRT Annual Meet
  3. COT agents who attend the MDRT Annual Meet are eligible for a reimbursement of Rs 40,000 OR actual cost for air ticket and rs 25000 as pocket expense
  4. TOT agents who attend the MDRT Annual Meet are eligible for a reimbursement of Rs 80,000  OR actual cost for air ticket and rs 50000 as pocket expense.
  5. Galaxy Club Agents  agents who attend the MDRT Annual Meet are eligible for a reimbursement of Rs 60,000  OR actual cost for air ticket and and rs 10000 as pocket expense.

Procedure for registration of LIC MDRT Agent

If LIC agent qualifies with the eligibility criteria then he/she has to apply to MDRT in a given format for Id Card.
Once it is allotted he/she can easily download his/her ID card with given ID no.
Then Agent will send  directly to MDRT,USA before last date with a certifying letter issued by LIC competent authority (Sr. Divisional Managers) and fee .
Now MDRT will issue a certificate of registration to the LIC agent. LIC Agent can take guidance of the MDRT Help Desks at Divisional and Zonal levels for those purpose.
MDRT 2020
We have downloaded this MRDT details from the MDRT website regarding eligibility conditions and production requirements for the membership of the MDRT 2021 Table production. Website under Membership Information.

How to Be MDRT in 2020?

fully depends on your burning Desire to achieve it. No matters from which backgroung you have. Just you have  focus and believe in your self. You must have plan of action .
Steps to do daily:
  • Get regular training from any Trainer to keep motivated
  • Watch Insurance Sales related video on You tube
  • Keep yourself away from negative People

What Is ERC for LIC agent?

ERC -Eligible For Renewal Commission for LIC agent

LIC Agent have to do  Minimum business every year to save his LIC Agency other wise LIC agency code will be terminated and renewal commission of previous policy commission will be stopped,just because LIC agent was not  eligible for renewal commission.
Minimum target of LIC agent in a year is like below
  • 6 Lives with Rs 50,000 premium


  • 1 lac premium with any number of lives


  • 12 lives with any amount of premium
but if LIC agent will be associated  with LIC of India minimum 5 year or more he may be elligible for renewal commission of his previous done policy.

Agent eligible for Renewal commission after termination if.

Agent has fulfilled MBG for at least 5 years since joining and 25 lives are in force as on the date one year prior of his termination (at the end of previous agency year)
( or )
Agent fulfilled MBG for minimum 10 years since their appointment.
( or )
Agent , Who has been terminated under clause regulation 16. ( Physically or mentally in capacity for carrying function of agent) has fulfilled MBG for at least 2 years since appointment and 12 different lives in force on date immediate prior to termination.

LIC Agency as Free Pension

LIC Agency as Free Pension

Pension for what? Its for old age financial need, a financial stability even a financial freedom .Be A LIC agent you will get all the stuff without any cost. Normally pension   is a type of retirement plan which gives monthly income at retirement age. Now a day’s employers offer pensions very rarely. Now Government organizations also offer   pension but taking employees contribution. Government  pension scheme, the employer contributes some money to the annuity  plan while employees are working. The annuity will be paid , usually as a monthly check at retirement, after one reach a particular retirement age. If you are not taking LIC agency then as normal citizen few avenues are available for you in the market, where you have to invest money.

  • Government National Pension Scheme
  • LIC Plan Jeevan NIDHI
  • LIC Jeevan Akshay
  • Private insurance company’s Equity linked Annuity scheme etc
As a LIC agent, if you are working for 5years minimum, you will secure good amount renewal commission, you may treat it as pension. The amount of pension will depend on your choice or on your labour.

Take a Example ,Suppose  you are LIC Agent and selling  1 policy in 1 week minimum rs 50,00 monthly mode(yrly  collected Premium would be Rs 60,000).
Note: We are considering only 48 weeks in a year in spite of 52 weeks. We all knows that LIC gives 35% of premium for 1st year,7.5% of Premium for 2nd and 3rd year thereafter 5% of premium  till policy holder pays to LIC of INDIA.

It shows whatever amount of premium, you will decide to sell in a week that will be your monthly income after 5years till the policy holder pay premium to LIC of India.
how to become lic agent in mumbai

जीवन बीमा क्यो जरूरी है

जीवन बीमा क्यो जरूरी है

*कुछ तथ्य*- *आश्चर्यजनक लेकिन विचारनीय*

✅जीवन बीमा अभिकर्ता को देखकर लोगो को प्रायः सुरक्षा के स्थान पर भय की अनुभूति*होती है, लेकिन किसी के निधन के बाद अभिकर्ता की उपस्तिथि बड़ा सुकून देती है l

✅ हम अपनी पुत्री का विवाह एक अनजान ब्यक्ति से करने का जोखिम उठाते हैं लेकिन ऐसे *जानकर ब्यक्ति, जो परिवार की आर्थिक सुरक्षा की सही सलाह* देता है उसमे काफी तर्क-वितर्क और सोच विचार करते हैं l

✅मंदिर के बाहर हम अपने जूतों की सुरक्षा के लिए Rs.5 खर्च कर सकते हैं, लेकिन *परिवार की सुरक्षा के लिए रोजाना Rs.50 की बचत बेकार का खर्च लगता* है l

✅हम उन तथाकथित पीरों, मुल्लों, मज़ारों, तांत्रिकों के Magic पर आँख बंद करके भरोसा करते हैं लेकिन Logic के साथ सही सलाह देने वाले अभिकर्ता पर संदेह* करते हैं l

✅हमे सरकारी कर्मचारियों को सेवा निवृति पर मिलने वाली एकमुश्त राशि और निधन पर मिलने वाली बीमा राशि से ईर्ष्या होती है लेकिन *अपने स्वयं के लिए पेंशन का बंदोबस्त या परिवार के लिए बीमा सुरक्षा के लिए बचत करने में कंजूसी करते हैं l

✅जब हमारी मृत्यु होती है तो हमारी आय हमारे लिए अंतिम होती है लेकिन परिवार के लिए नहीं l संघर्ष के साथ उन्हें आगे कई साल  जिन्दा  रहना है l

✅हम अपने मोबाइल का बैलेंस चेक कर सकते हैं, अपने बैंक का बैलेंस चैक कर सकते है लेकिन अपने *Life का बैलेंस कोई चैक नहीं कर सकता* Life का *यह बैलेंस किसी का भी और कभी भी समाप्त हो सकता है*, इसलिए अपने परिवार की आर्थिक सुरक्षा को *जीवन बीमा से रिचार्ज अवश्य कराएं l

✅बिजली की अनवरत सप्लाई और रोशनी के लिए आप इन्वर्टर खरीदते हैं, आप अपने परिवार की रौशनी हैं, आपकी जीवन बीमा पालिसी *आर्थिक जरूरतों का इन्वर्टर* है जो आपके न रहने पर अनवरत रोशनी का प्रबंध करता है l

✅अग्निशमन वाहन अलार्म बजाते हुए आता है लेकिन *मृत्यु का वाहन बिना अलार्म बजाये आ सकता है*l

✅हम अपने मोबाइल जिसकी कीमत लगभग Rs.10000 होती है उसकी *सुरक्षा के लिए स्क्रीन गार्ड* खरीदते हैं लेकिन परिवार की आर्थिक सुरक्षा के लिए अपना  *जीवन बीमा लेने का निर्णय भविष्य के लिए टाल देते हैं जिसकी वैल्यू 10 करोड़ से भी अधिक है* l

✅हमारे रहने के लिए 1BHK मकान (एक बेडरूम, हॉल, किचन) पर्याप्त होता है लेकिन घर बनाते समय प्रयास करते हैं कि घर की प्रत्येक सदस्य के लिए एक कमरा* अवश्य हो, घर की मजबूती पर भी इतना ध्यान रहता है कि हमारे बाद  तीन पीढ़ियों तक भी मकान का कुछ नहीं बिगड़े,लेकिन हमारे न रहने पर परिवार के जीवन-यापन की चिंता से हमे उतना सरोकार नहीं l

✅ब्यक्ति अपनी आय में से अपने ऊपर लगभग 20℅ ही खर्च करता है शेष 80℅ उसका परिवार (पत्नी, बच्चे, माता पिता) निर्भर होते हैं l ब्यक्ति के न रहने पर आय का 20℅ तो उसकी मृत्यु के साथ ही समाप्त हो जाता है लेकिन परिवार के लिए अभी तक मिल रहे आय के 80℅ का बंदोबस्त कौन करेगा ???

➖समाज के लोग

➖करीबी दोस्त

➖नजदीकी रिश्तेदार

➖ या *इनमे से कोई नहीं

जीवन बीमा इसी की प्रतिपूर्ति सुनिश्चित करता हैl


*जीवन बीमा जिम्मेदारी है-बोझ नही*
