As an Insurance Advisors there are main problems are in the market is Prospecting and convincing the costumer. It’s a frustrating business as well as highly paid profession .Every day we have to keep ourselves Motivated and updated in the market.
We have to follow few books for
- Updation of present market with new rules and regulations
- Present finance market scenario
- Motivation
- Sales Training
If you are going to be LIC advisor or you are already LIC agent ,you have to sharpen your knowledge every time.
Training is very important to be successful in insurance market. One can trained and motivated himself through books also.
Its a complete induction training book for new as well as old LIC advisor.
This book is written by very senior and a Great Development Officer Sri Kamleshguru
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:
A Managerial book ,that will help to be professional through self improvement. This book will help to be self discipline .
How to Win Friends and Influence People
by Dale Carnegie (Author)
Its a Motivational books to mainten customer relation and retention.
Zig Ziglal and Brian Tracy is the world famous Sales Trainer and motivator.
If you have just joined in insurance sales but do not have much time ,just take a look ,this book is very helpful .Its better to read books and get motivated all the time rather to waste time with other sales guy ,one who is struggling to make sales. I have listed few of them ,it should at your table and read few pages every day.
The Digital Life Insurance Agent: How To Market Life Insurance Online And Sell Over The Phone: